Saturday, April 21, 2012

Our Visa's are ready to pick up at PO

The panic seems to be over, although I am dancing, just had a small jig!

Postman left a card today saying there was 2 SDE to collect, can%26#39;t pick them up until tomorrow.

Surely that means they are complete! as i was not able to track there progess.

All I can say to anyone having visa issues there is only one that will take you through it THE ONE %26amp; ONLY MEERKAT, thankyou!

(hope I am not jumping the gun?)

PS do we have to pay money to leave GOA?

Our Visa's are ready to pick up at PO

Not neccesarily unfortunatley, mine was returned to me with a photocopied list of errors I%26#39;d made in my application. On checking I HAD filled in all the details correctly, the only thing which I did change was my submitted photo%26#39;s, I sent clearer ones.

They also requested I resubmit another £7+ for return postage, suffice to say I did not as their return paperwork was exremely poor and incorrect in itself.

Anyway, within week or so I got them back once again and this time the visa was all ok.

Good luck!


Our Visa's are ready to pick up at PO

Hi relax, fingers crossed everything is okay for you and the processed visas are in there or I may be getting a visit from the lynch mob!

Please let us know tomorrow when you collect them that everything is in order. Fingers crossed and double crossed lol! Good luck!

PS. I don%26#39;t think the departure tax at Dabolim has come into effect yet so don%26#39;t worry!

PPS. This is what the visa should look like:

I will post 2 morrow all been well!

It better be!

Or I will cry %26amp; then tell the dog off!

As long as you%26#39;re not telling me off relax!

How can one so blonde be so bright.......ouch....

Meerkat for TA D E of the year....


T A D E ????? Trip Advisor Dizzy Ead?

Oi, I feel like I%26#39;m being picked on here you two! Blonde yes. Dizzy? Okay, you got me!!!


Trip Advisor Destination Expert;t open the blee*in


And wind-up merchant of the year is............

Bodgerlad ............ oops............ Badgerlad!!!

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