Wednesday, April 25, 2012

P20 sun lotion and Jungle Formula Anti Mossie

Hi, just got back last week and I have a question - hope someone can help me.I used P20 once a day sun lotion and Jungle Formula anti mossie (50 deet). The anti mossie spray did%26#39;nt seem to work - I got bitten to pieces!!. I wondered if it was a combination of the two? can anyone advise me.


P20 sun lotion and Jungle Formula Anti Mossie

Perhaps you just didn%26#39;t use enough of the spray. I am a mozzie magnet and I%26#39;ve always found the Jungle Formula tropical spray to be the most efficient of the lot. Why were you using the two at the same time? Mozzies are only really out in the early evening, and normally I%26#39;d have had a shower and got rid of all sun stuff by then, and then apply the Jungle Formula in spades.

P20 sun lotion and Jungle Formula Anti Mossie

Try the boots 50% deet stuff, it`s the one in the silver containers, always used this and been good

different potions suit different people. i use ';odomos'; bought locally in goa. i get very little trouble with the mossies.


Hi, Normally I would have showered and reapplied but we stayed out a bit too late a few times and had to apply the mossie spray cos I could feel the little blighters having a nibble. I did get some anti histamine (Cetine) and a cream to stop the itching (Sriderm)locally and that worked well. Maybe I would be better off trying Odomos next time.Will give it a try.

Hi I always use p20, and odomos on an evening, never

got bit once

Sounds good to me. I%26#39;ll definately try the Odomos next time.

But Odomos doesn%26#39;t work for me - the little b*ggers still bite me through it!

But do you use P20??

Only if it%26#39;s on offer...

yeah LGG, but they go away with an awful taste in their mouth!!!! lol.


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