Saturday, April 21, 2012

Here reveiw

Well as i said yesturday totally fell in love with Goa. I can see why many people go back. So here goes, The bus trip from the airport was should i put it a death ride lol, but the views were amazing, it was 7.30ish in the morning. Some people had said we might be shocked or even hate it, but oh boy from the start we was WOW. Our hotel the Riviera de Goa in Apora was amazing you couldn%26#39;t find fault at all with it, am just glad i didn%26#39;t listen to the reviews. Nearly everynight we ate at retaurants in Baga. It used to cost us 350rps return in a taxi. We had our taxi driver all fortnight called Humi who was really helpful and good. The places we ate at all did amazing food, our only down fall was taking my husbands parents with us. Mother in law great, father in law a proper pain in the arse!!! He wanted to try different restaurants all the time...good you might think?...No he wanted steak in a different restaurant!!! Which was never like he had at home...aaarrrggghhhh i here you words and a few others (i had vodka though to help with the pain) Anyway back to restaurants, for the 5 of us to eat (me, hubby, 10yr old daughter and in laws) with drinks cost us between 1700rps and nearly 5000rps depending on the place and how much vodka it took to numb my dad in laws whining. We tried a few which were Brittos..o.k, O%26#39;pescados..good..East meets West..fab, Jamies...rubbish..Foxys (Candolim)...fab and good value, Rudin Royal (think thats how it was spelt)..good, Franks..fab, Kim Faa best chinise ever. They are a few i can remember and was all in Baga. We went to Baga beach most of the time and used the Big Banana shack. My god you never left your bed with all the sellers, my daughter could set her own business up. We did enjoy it on the beach and loved speaking to most of the sellers, towards the end they stopped trying to sell and just spoke to us. The food was really nice at the shack aswell. We were going to book the waterfall and spice plantation trip with Thomas cook but they wanted £92 per person!! Our taxi driver took us and it cost nearly £80 for all of us inc taxi fare and entrance fee. The waterfall trip was god the jeep ride!! thats a experiance by itself, the walk down to the falls was nerve racking but fun, my daughter really enjoyed it. The waterfall its self amazing. The water was freezing, did go in but had to be dragged out because i had the worlds biggest panic attack when i looked down and there was a spider on my chest!! My god i won a oscar and a bafta that day. My husband enjoyed it though. The spice plantation was really interesting which we all enjoyed. I would recommend these trips but i wouldn%26#39;t pay the reps price for them. We then had a elephant ride, well daughter did which was a bit disappointing as we thought it was in the water not just up the road. We later found out you have to go on the Jungle tour for that. We went to Panjim to go and see the carnival. Our taxi driver took us to the habour for the free boat which could get 200ppl on but let about 2000 ppl on. The carnival was a good day out even though it was stifling hot. All the locals were loving it and was really friendly aswell. We went to the Ajuna market which was fun my hubby just loves to haggle, only down fall beggars, we%26#39;d not even got out of the taxi and there hands were threw the windows, also stall holders trying to grab my daughter to get us to the stall. We dint so to the night market but in laws did and said it was good, it opened on our last saturday so looks like its back on. Only one thing out of the holiday which we didn%26#39;t mind but my daughter hated was the roads, we%26#39;ve try keeping her off them for 10yrs then we go there and she as to walk on them. She got used to it though. God i hoped i haven%26#39;t bored you all but totally loved it and you did say you wanted a report haha, Thank you too you all that helped before and i am going to keep coming on this site to keep up with things. We are hoping to go back next feb so fingers crossed....Are u all awake or have you fell alseep by now.....Kelly xx :o)

Here reveiw

Kelly, what a fab report...thankyou sooo much!

Glad you had a great holiday.I really enjoy reading other peoples reports...hopefully I will be well prepared for my first visit in 20 days time!

Thanks again


Here reveiw

Susie you will love it, dint relise my report was that long haha. Have a good time and i no you will. Kelly x

Thanks Mads...I know I%26#39;m gonna luvvv it!!!

kelly - that was really good to read - our first trip in 33 days and i love to read about other trips - just one small Q - the spider issue at the water fall - im terrified and if i dont actually go into the water will i still see them? kezi

Great review Mads

Kezi i only saw 1 spider and it was on me. I%26#39;m like you and hate the things. It was only a water spider which does no harm as they said but i nearly died. If they said before i went into the waterfall that they were spiders i wouldn%26#39;t have gone in. You be fine cos i didn%26#39;t see any others. Hope you enjoy it though as much as i did...Kelly x

kelly thanku - i will go but rekon i will stay out of the water, ha ha

Hi kelly, what a really good review. It bought back so many memories from our first visit two years ago especially the jeep ride lol. Our tickets have arrived today, I was starting to panic as we are off on the 14th, can%26#39;t wait now. Thanks for reminding me of just how good it was x

what a good report and thanks for writing it, we are going to the riviera de goa in April, £92 for the water falls and spice plantation, somebody%26#39;s having a laugh.


Oh David you%26#39;ll love the hotel if you haven%26#39;t been before? I%26#39;ve post a reveiw on here. Hope you like it as much as we did..Kelly x

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