Thursday, April 19, 2012


Our tickets arrived today! Hooray starting to count the days, 3 weeks this Saturday!


I%26#39;m so jealous!!. We got back 2 weeks ago and won%26#39;t be going again until next year. Where are you staying??


Great news relax :) Visas, tickets, it%26#39;s all coming now! At least I beat someone to the tickets even if you are going two weeks after me lol!

Staying at the Donna Sylvia for 2 weeks wife %26amp; I + 2 girls 16 %26amp; 12 oh dear!

There is only 1 shinning STAR on this forum and you guested it! IT%26#39;S YOU!

I keep getting asked about Blo_dY hair straightners! %26amp; is there a book libriary at the Donna!

Them seem 2 take 20kgs in books on their hols.

Got to go %26amp; mash the cumin up My god a CURRY for a change!

Think you%26#39;ve got a fan there Meerkat...

Everyone else might as well pack up and find another TA site....we%26#39;re not needed here anymore..........PMSL..

Great news relax,

great feeling having those tickets in your hand isn%26#39;t it.

See u there when u arrive.

OOOoo you%26#39;re soo lucky! It feels the holiday is just around the corner when you finally get the tickets!

No tickets for me yet....less than 3 weeks to go :-(

I%26#39;m sure they%26#39;re on their way Ian....

Don%26#39;t forget to tell us when they arrive....;-)

my visa came yesterday, and tickets today.

thanks to everyone who helped me sort my visa problems out. they only took a week from day of sending. i sent form online, printed another one out and hand wrote it and sent a letter with it stating the problems i had online. looks like it worked.

thanks everyone, cant wait until the 4th April. Staying at the Palmarinha Resort. xx

Two weeks Saturday before we are off to the Dona Sylvia - if the tickets arrive, that is!!!!!

Our tickets arrived on Wednesday (cant believe how smooth everything has gone, visas, passports) 3 weeks on saturday for us too. me and my better half his parents and the kids boy 14 girl 11. staying at Highland Beach. Candolim... was there last year... cant wait to return.. just recieved a text from the White horse shack they are counting down with us ... see you all there X

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