Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Visas does'nt look for us

Really starting to worry now. Sent applications back 4th March with hubby%26#39;s Birth certificate ( father un known) and email from VS as a safty measure, but the status on the tracking has not changed yet.

Has anyone ever got their visas when the tracking status has not changed?

Visas does'nt look for us

Hi Netty, I think I%26#39;ve read before that this has happened with the staus not changing but I can%26#39;t remember where or when.

Personally, if I were you and really really worried, I would bite the bullet and ring them on the complaints line and say sod the cost of the call.

Premium phone number is: 09057570060


complaints number is 02078113976

Visas does'nt look for us

Thanks meercat,

Think I will, if you remember it was returned for fathers details, we also printed off a dozen forms to get the best signature, so if it%26#39;s getting returned again, who knows why!.

Keep reading about others getting theirs, although I%26#39;m glad for them it%26#39;s making me stress more because times running out just 3 weeks left to sort it.

I know Netty and I really honestly do feel for you. I know loads of people have had problems with the visas for one reason or another and I understand it must be really bl**dy frustrating and a very stressful time. That%26#39;s why, in your shoes, I would throw everything at it now and worry about the cost later. Keep at it girl and try to remain positive. Good luck if you decide to ring them and don%26#39;t give up! x

Cheers your a gem xxxxx

Sad smile. Wish I was a gem that could magic your visas to you right now. Positive okay! Good girl! x

Hi Netty

Is it Birmingham you sent them too? If so, it appears to me that they are taking a long time.

I posted my passport on 02/03/09. Royal Mail said it was delivered on 03/03/09. Only today has my status changed from application was made on 26th Feb to ...........Received at Application Centre at Application Center Birmingham on 11-Mar-2009. That is a long wait!!!

Hope you get sorted ok x

Hi janee,

Yes we sent to Birmingham, so if we sent ours 2 days after you hopefully it might change by Friday.

After having them returned unprocessed you start to think all things bad not good. It%26#39;s turning me into a right misery Mary I%26#39;m usually happy go lucky.

I wish you good luck with yours, but it looks like your ontrack %26#39;cos when ours were returned before the tracking status did%26#39;nt change from application submited.

Oh fingers crossed it is, I am panicking and I don%26#39;t go until 13th April!!!

I imagine it is possibly Birmingham then which is slow, which again I have read about somewhere around here. Fingers crossed for you! x

you too x

Sent mine 26th Feb for the second time and still not recieved it back. Phoned the premium rate line 4 times this week and they dont help at all. I am supposed to be travelling to Russia Saturday so im off to Birmingham today to try and pick it up in person! Premium rate line keep telling me i have to apply to get it back and im not guarenteed to get it today and if i do i will have to pay again to get my visa when i get back! When i get back from Russia i only have 3 weeks till i go to Goa so im totally pi**ed off now.

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