Wednesday, April 18, 2012

what do I need to know?

Hi, I am traveling to Chennai in December, I know a long way off, to do some public health work for school. The housing is provided but what should I be aware of before traveling? I am trying to learn as much as I can before traveling and currently don%26#39;t know much ;)

what do I need to know?

Friendly people, unassuming and hospitable. A city with a lot of new vibrancy but also with old world charm. Get yourself a travel book, because I cannot do justice to Chennai in a thread like this :)

I%26#39;m sure RajanK will come along soon, perhaps he can post links to some of the older threads here where we described all the interesting things to do and places to see in and around Chennai.

what do I need to know?


For starters take a look at Chennai%26#39;s Inside pages,to give yourself an overview. Next, if you could come up with your interests and time in hand to look around, we can help refining it further and pointing you to relevant things to do while you are here.…

Pls feel free to ask anything specific you may need.



In the info section it says that having a local with you for shopping etc is best if you want to go to the smaller local shops, are there guides available? I am sure I will make a friend or two at work but am just wondering if there are other options.

Also, I see it says appropriate length skirt--what does that mean? knee, calf, ankle?

Thanks!! I am sure as the months pass I will be on here more asking lots of questons :)

Appropriate length is anything below the knee.

Go to Fab India and get some of their really lovely Indian clothes. They%26#39;re quite inexpensive. You will blend in better and be more comfortable than in your Western clothes. What part of Chennai is your school in?

Please read this post about etiquette and dressing:…

Thanks! I won%26#39;t actually being going to school, just completing field work experience at Gremaltes Hospital to satisfy requirements for my school here. I will be staying in an apartment provided by the program but havent%26#39; got the details on that yet. It is still a ways off.

Frankly, you will not need any guides even at small shops, once you do a bit of window shopping or accompany any of your friends / aquaintances on one or two such trips.

The Gremaltes hospital unit at Chennai is in Shenoy Nagar (Chennai 600 030) which is just near to Anna Nagar - one of the posh areas of the city, very upmarket and cosmopoliton. All leading food chains (Pizza hut to KFC to you name it) along with shopping malls are around this place.



Hi Tandoori,

My suggestion will be that, you better go for some %26#39;tour packages%26#39;.You can contact ';South Tourism'; in Anna Nagar, or ';Indo Asia Tours Pvt Ltd'; in T.Nagar, they provide excellent tour packages, be it Study and cultural package or Pilgrimage packages. You can try out their link at:


I am sure it will be helpful for you!!!

Thanks. I like the idea of doing some cultural tour type stuff--However I found that the link you provided didn%26#39;t give much info on that--more tours with lodging. I have a place to stay already. But Iam interested in finding a cooking course or day tour companies.


Check out an earlier post on Cooking courses in Chennai. Hope this helps


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