Thursday, April 19, 2012

Duty Free Fags

At Goa Airport - coming home- I went to the Duty Free Shop and they were doing a %26#39;buy 400 get 400 free%26#39; deal. I bought them and they put them in a sealed clear plastic bag. My OH then went and bought some as well on the same deal. So we ended up with 1600 fags. We didn%26#39;t get stopped at Gatwick - customs were nowhere to be seen. My question is this - as we had only paid for 400 each and the other 400 were %26#39;free%26#39; would we have been charged duty on the extras if we had been stopped by customs?

Duty Free Fags

Virago, Got a fag to spare ??

Have you tried your ciggies yet ?? because i bought some fake ones at Dabolim a few years back. As you went into the departure lounge it was the shop on the left hand side.

I have bought other ciggies in the shop sort of infront in the corner,to the far right.

In answer to your question i would have thought you%26#39;d be liable to pay duty on the excess, but worth the risk to me. I know not everyone would agree with that, and im not suggesting anyone else take the chance. No doubt someone will come and tell you the penalties if you were caught.

Is it National No Smoking Day today ?

Duty Free Fags

I could sell you a pack - they worked out at 45p for 20 (including the freebies) LOL. So far there doesn%26#39;t seem to be anything wrong with them. I was just wondering as it would be difficult to charge you duty on something that was free. It even said %26#39;free%26#39; on the receipt!. What%26#39;s %26#39;National No Smoking Day%26#39;?? haha

Cant i have a packet of your free ones. lol

I still would have thought it was quantity opposed to cost.…DG_10026463

Just had a look at this link;

Now I%26#39;m all confused.(doesn%26#39;t take a lot!!). Well, if the deals still on the next time we visit -SOON I HOPE - I%26#39;ll just risk it and sort it out when we get back.

Ohh, be careful!

The nasty customs guys were out in force at Gatwick on Sunday!

I think they scan the bags and hang onto the ones with lost of ciggies in - everyone who%26#39;s cases came out last were stopped and searched and had their ciggies confiscated (our friends included) - bit of a sad end to our wonderful holiday :-(


Oh Linda thats a shame, i%26#39;de have been gutted. But isuppose you have to look at it that 200 ciggies in the UK cost about £50 and if you brought back 1000 from Goa %26amp; had 800 confiscated it%26#39;s the same as 200 here.

I have always been lucky, but you win some you lose some.

Ooh that%26#39;s mean!! You would think that they would have more important stuff to look for.

More than mean!

Gutted for my friends. I had 600 (oops) and because we were travelling together - another top tip! - he was only allowed to keep 200 because I had 600!

So, if you are travelling with someone, deny, deny, deny! That way, if those nasty people, with nothing better to do, catch you, at least you can keep your allowance!

Thank goodness they didn%26#39;t find the receipts for the rings! hehehe

We came through last Friday, no customs officers there, i also had 1600.

BOUGHT ON THE WAY OUT, got more coming back.

I had the £10 a pack fom the duty free shop at the airport the shop closest to the snack bar.

No complaints yet....... but last year there was a lot of pin holes in some.

We are going to goa in jan.For the last 7years we have gone to the gambia and fancy a change this time.When we arrived back at gatwick this year we were stopped and had all 1200cigs confiscated we were not even allowad our allowance customs then produced a form with all our details on it passport no address etc which we had to sign and then we were told in no uncertain words that if we were caught again they would prosecute so be warned!

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